K To 12deped Negor Learning Resource Portal

2016 The Learning Action Cell as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-Based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning DO 32, 2. 2016 Addendum to DepEd Order No. Clelmzempty spaces the blog. 2016 (Hiring Guidelines For Senior High School (SHS) Teaching Positions Effective School Year (SY) 2016-2017). Recorded with ScreenCastify (the screen video recorder for Chrome.

UPDATE! You will find the Google download links for the Update! 2nd Quarter Learners Materials | K-12 Learners Materials after the article below. You may read the following article or you may scroll down directly for the download links.

Materials, Facilities, and Equipment (DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2019 – Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program)

AFC 1941/012: Robert F. Draves and Helene Stratman-Thomas Collection of Wisconsin Recordings Seventy-eight 12-inch discs of field recordings of instrumental music, songs, poems, and conversations, recorded at various locations in Wisconsin by Robert F. Draves and Helene Stratman-Thomas (Blotz), November 15, 1940, to August 19, 1941, for the Library of Congress Archive of Folk Song, and the. Creativa and editing blog. HOME Tutorial Kits of the Century DOWNLOAD Archive EMPTY SPACES KITS. Tutorial Kits of the Century DOWNLOAD Archive EMPTY SPACES KITS PC/PS3 SEASON 2020-2021 England. Conmebol Argentina Bolivia Chile. Ukrainian Space is a company founded by Olga Reznikova, the well-known ambassador of Ukraine in Youtube, and we specialize in connecting foreigners to Ukrainian producers and service providers. Every week we publish new videos in our blog, and you can find a lot of valuable information and advices about Ukraine! Ukraine 1820 kitsempty spaces the blog youtube. On the road between Kiev and Poltava, through an area affectionately referred to as the 'Heart of Ukraine', travelers will come across a number of villages overflowing with history and culture. Located alongside the Sula River near Lubny, the Ukrainian Baroque-style Mharsky Monastery is an interesting attraction dating back to 1619 in the village of Mhar. The monastery features five domes.

  1. Text-based and non-text-based learning resources suitable to the needs of learners are aligned with the curriculum, addressing the learning competencies found in the curriculum guides. Each learning resource is tagged with its corresponding competency codes. These materials are provided to all learners and teachers for the enhancement of the learning and teaching process.
  2. Text-based learning resources include textbooks (TX), teacher’s manuals (TM), learner’s materials (LM), teacher’s guides (TG), readers, and worksheets undergo a rigorous screening and evaluation process prior to their publication and/or distibution. These learning resources are also transcribed into Braille. Learning resources for subjects taught in the mother tongue are contextualized in the regions and divisions. Modules and Basic Literacy Learning Materials (BLLMs) were developed for ALS learners based on the enhanced ALS curriculum, while materials were also created for Madrasah Education. The Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS) has been developed to provide an arrangement for assessing, acquiring, adapting, developing, producing and distributing quality learning and teaching resource materials for students and teachers. Itis supported by the collaborative work among the central and regional, division, and school personnel on ways of improving access to quality instructional and learning materials. A database of the curriculum guides and digital copies of these learning resources tagged with their respective competency codes are made available and free to use at the Learning Resource (LR) portal (lrmds.deped.gov.ph). Tagged print resources include Learner’s Materials, Teacher’s Guides and ALS materials which have been previously distributed to schools but are still relevant for specific learning competencies.
  3. Due to the diversity and number of Senior High School subjects, learning resources are classified into five “course packs”, each with specific learning resources. A reader is recommended for topics that can stand alone such as Humanities subject, complemented with a teacher’s guide, while a manual is for skills building and procedural topics, as seen in TVL subjects. Activities can be included in these materials or a separate activity workbook may be recommended for subjects in the arts. Proposals for the development and use of videos presenting procedures and lectures are also made for highly technical subjects in the sciences and TVL, and specialized subjects in the arts and sports track to aid both learners and teachers in deepening their understanding of the topics.
  4. The non-text-based learning resources are the tools and equipment for science, math, and technical-vocational-livelihood (TVL) classes. Their technical specifications have been identified and placed in the Tools and Equipment Database and uploaded in the LR portal. Non-text learning resources have been tagged with competencies using the learning competency code. These can be found in the curriculum guides uploaded in the website.
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Development of Learning Resources

Aligned with the principles of an inclusive and contextualized curriculum is the development of contextualized learning resources which is stipulated in RA 10533. Both contextualized teaching and learning materials shall be developed and produced at the field offices based on standards set by the Bureau of Learning Resources. These will complement the instructional materials provided by the Department and external partners/stakeholders

Learning resources (text and non-text based) shall be utilized to engage learners in active participation and interaction using different contexts that promote real life application. The diversities of learners’ abilities, knowledge, learning styles, study habits, interests, motivation, multiple intelligences and other circumstances must be considered in the preparation, development, and delivery of contextualized learning materials and activities. As mentioned in the K to 12 Policy, some of these learning resources are also transcribed into Braille and adapted in other ways (e.g. like having a sign language interpreter in class) to ensure that all learners have access to these materials).

Quality assurance processes shall ensure that learning resources produced are free from any discriminatory content, are appropriate to diverse learners, and are sensitive to social and cultural contexts.

The community as a learning resource shall also be developed and maximized.

The Learning Resource Portal as a repository of learning and teaching resources shall be utilized and maximized.


  • Department of Education Order No. 21, s. 2019

We are always updating and uploading our sourced from the Department of Education K-12 Learner’s Materials / Learning Materials. You will find the file links below. Please check this section from time to time because the remaining files will be uploaded soon.

K-12 Learner’s Materials / Learning Materials files are now available for download. You can download the files easily.

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