Chapter 1 The Salutation & Praise Of The Corinthians Before The Breaking Forth Of Schism Among them The Church of God which sojourns at Rome, to the Church of God sojourning at Corinth, to them that are called and sanctified by the will of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, from Almighty God through Jesus Christ, be multiplied. The encyclopedia of lost and rejected scriptures the pseudepigrapha and apocrypha Oct 25, 2020 Posted By Irving Wallace Ltd TEXT ID 58190681 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library books some are rare to find and this is 1 of the only books with the book of jasher thas worth the price its around 40 bucks har encyclopedia of lost and rejected scriptures.
1. They were never included in the Hebrew Old Testament. TheHebrew canon is made up of 22 books, which are the exact equivalent of the 39 books of our Old Testament. This takes on its full significance when it is remembered that the Old Testament is a Jewish collection of Jewish history andlaw - and there is no evidence that these books were ever accepted by any Jewish community, either in or outside of Israel.
2. They were never accepted as canonical by Jesus and His Apostles.Jesus' Old Testament was the Hebrew Old Testament and the Hebrew Old Testament has never numbered these apocryphal writings. The apostles in their preaching mention many Old Testament events, but they never refer to any incidents or characters of the Apocrypha. The New Testament writers quote from practically all of the Old Testament books, but nowhere quote from the Apocrypha. The Apocrypha are self-contained; no where in the canonical scripture are these books referenced.
3. They were not accepted by early Jewish and Christian writers. About 400 A.D. the great Christian scholar Jerome, whose translation of the Latin Vulgate remains the basis of the official Roman CatholicBible, strongly maintained that these books were 'apocryphal' and were not to be included in the canon of Scripture.
4. Objections to them cannot be overruled by dictatorial authority. Throughout different periods of its own history officials of the Roman Church had been out-spoken against the Apocrypha as Scripture.Yet, On April 8, 1546, in the Fourth Session of the Council of Trent, the Roman Catholic Church pronounced the Old Testament Apocrypha as authoritative and canonical Scripture. They were not accepted for over 1500 years after Christ!
5. They do not show evidence of essential qualities of inspiration.Great portions of these books are obviously legendary and fictitious. Often they containhistorical, chronological and geographical errors. Some of these books contradict themselves and contradict the canonical Scriptures!
Satellite receiver bin file. 6. They have been shrouded with continual uncertainty.Since they were not regarded as authoritative by the Jews, they had to gain their recognition elsewhere.No two early Greek manuscripts agree as to which books are to be included in the Septuagint outside the canonical Scripture readily known as the 39 books of the OT.
7. They cannot be maintained on a compromise basis.Church of England gives to the Apocrypha a semi-canonical status: they may be read in public worship 'for example of life and instruction of manners' but not in order 'to establish any doctrine.' This positionassumes that the Apocrypha at times may add to or conflict with the established teachings of the canonical Scriptures.
8.The New Testament apocrypha were written under assumed names of the apostles and others between the2nd century and 6th century. They were written hundreds of years after Christ, while the canonical Scripture are all from the eyewitness accounts of the 1st century apostles. These writings, along with the OT apocryphal books, are sometimes erroneously described as 'the lost books of the Bible,' a sensational and misleading title because these books were NEVER a part of the Holy Bible.
New Testament Apocrypha And Pseudepigrapha
To get a proper listing of the Canonical Holy Scriptures that are universally accepted and are supported by history based on ALL manuscripts past and present, you can reference KJV,NKJV, or NIV. The basis of this website are grounded upon the Word of God using the New International Version (NIV).
The books of theHoly Bible are listed below.
- There are 39 booksof the OT
- 66 books making up the Holy Bible andare universally accepted as inspired relevation of God.
New Testament Apocrypha List
Other words to say for example. Below is a list of the books of the Holy Bible that are universally accepted:
New Testament Apocrypha I Rejected Scriptures Verse
Old Testament
| New Testament